Saturday, February 11, 2006

Just saw the preview to a film called "Looking for comedy in the Muslim World." I don't know any Muslims so i have never been able to see for myself what they are like. Most of my views into the Muslim World comes from my television screen and those images don't exactly show me humor. All i get to see is rampaging ones burning flags,doing the scatter beheading and beating the living hell out of women who don't cover their heads. Surly there has to be more then this! Muslim kids must be learning something besides the three R's in school there. Readin,Rittin and Rioting can't be all they teach them kids.
OK,all jokes aside.There are some Muslim comedians and the guy posted here is Azhar Usman who sports a a bushy beard and black skullcap and his first joke on stage is usually "I'm Osama bin Laden's cousin," he says. "They call me 'Bin Laughin.' "Thank God or that Allah fellow for at least having one Muslim comedian,but im sure he won't be getting any bookings in the Middle East anytime soon. A few days ago i blogged and i guess Bin Ladens other cousin Bin Plottin must of Bin Googling and found my blog with the kid full of explosives. Ben Plottin told me Satan was urinating in my ears and a few other things. I guess i must of peed in Bin Plottins corn flakes because he went on a bit more and now i moderate my comments before publishing. Bin Plottins IP addy was from Cyprus and i must say it's great having the world view the comments of a little guy from Cape Ray. Sorry guys,we don't have a flag of Cape Ray so you'll have to burn the Canadian one i guess. Click here for a movie preview.


Anonymous said...

Wayne looks like you tread on another nerve here. They should just realise that not everyone has their views and beliefs, and stop trying to say that we are always wrong.From the actions of this group of people I hope my God has nothing to do with them. GET OVER IT PEOPLE!!!!!
Just my opinion (owner of a Yam Yam!)

Justin said...

Wow, Arabic comments. That's a neat trick. I wonder what it says? Probably something about your mother fornicating with dogs or some other nonsense. I'm gonna go eat a big fat ham sandwich, wash it down with a big glass of pig blood. Whoever you are with the funny letters, don't worry about all those virgins in heaven, I already had them, they weren't that good. Hard to figure who the hell would want to spend eternity with a bunch of ten year olds anyway, but to each his own I guess.

Anonymous said...

yes there are moslem'll never hear them offending their own religion but can always crack a joke over ours or the 9-11 tragedy.don't let them fool you.they're no different.

Anonymous said...

i enjoy your satire and praises be upon you.may this site be visited for you.