End of an Era
After 31 year career with CBC,Karl Wells the Weather Man will be leaving on July 31/2007. Karl became more than a Weather Man to the evening news viewers in NL. Karl Wells became an icon. Karl took us beyond the weather at times by doing community segments and i for one never knew we had so much history or interesting stories tucked away in our province until i saw his short interviews. At times i actually hoped CBC would give him a full half hour series to go around the province and do road shows on the same subject. Maybe, just maybe it'll happen in the future. Best of luck Karl Wells and if you do stumble on my blog i would like for you to answer this question. "How many pairs of Mitts and Socks did you actually receive over the years?"
Hi Wayne,
Lots of people have asked me that question over the years. Knitted items have numbered about 100 in total. I was also given literally hundreds of tee-shirts.
I have kept all the things people actually made for me. The tees I donated to the Salvation Army for the needy.
Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully, you haven't seen or heard the last of me. This is just a new phase for me. Take care.
Karl Wells
Hey Wayne hows it going today, went and seen Kim and the family yesterday, talked about you a little it was all good and thats the truth, here is a video of them before the show.
feel free to share the link and soon as I have time to edit the other footage there will be more.
Just browsing the internet, very interesting website.
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