Sunday, December 18, 2005

A lot of the local people in my community have been asking about my Blogspot here.Some try and compare it to my website and can't figure out how the whole process works.So here's a brief description of a blog.It's sort of like an everyday personal journal but with this i can make it my little political soapbox or just ramble/rant on with anything i want.The newest writings show up on top and anyone can comment.If you check out the comments on some of my entries you can also view other blog contributors.You can view other Newfoundland blogs or surf off to Tacoma,Washington to view the Dixie Drifters blog.One of the people who posts comments here is serving a bit of time for a DUI charge and writes of his days in the slammer often using humor to help him cope with it.NL-ExPatriate,living in New Brunswick writes commentary on the province.Justin in Montanna has similiar interests as myself and blogs about his part of the world and Tracy in Idaho really likes to vent.So that's about all i can tell you about blogs!


Justin said...

Thanks for the plug Wayne, I'll have to hurry up and post something worthwhile before I scare everybody off. Any visitors from here that venture over, disregard my most recent posts, they were in "poor taste" to say the least but at least I'm not afraid to unload on somebody that deserves it. Hit the archives and see what it's really about.

EDITORS: Ghost Rider said...

Hey Wayne you have been awful quite lately