Monday, February 27, 2006

We call it the gift of life and that gift is given to someone in need.The giver will never know who received his/her gift but knew before hand that their act of gift giving would benefit someone in need.They say that at any given time in Canada 4000 people wait for suitable donors and for over 200 the gift never comes.Thousands of people here on the Southwest coast of Newfoundland at this minute know of someone in need and have donated,prayed and helped in everyway possible.Today she is having her transplant and thousands of us from southwestern Newfoundland are waiting to hear the news that it was successful.Good luck Amanda.


Anonymous said...

very well put tablemountains.good luck amanda,ny prayers are also with you today.

Anonymous said...

hey wayne.the mountain zone forum thread about amanda is certainly being checked into's a wake up call to all of us to sign a donor card.

Clinton P. Desveaux said...

New column for you over at my place