Friday, March 17, 2006

Here's a gal who wants to club Newfoundlanders. So sweet! Deletes any comments from people who don't agree with her.

Vanessa loves German Videos so i guess that tells a lot about her wanting to bash a humans head in.


Anonymous said...

strange they talk about cruelty but suggest something like that.i guess humans are not as pretty as

Capt.Craig said...

She is a very angry animal!

NL-ExPatriate said...

At least she didn't use a white coat in her picture.
I was going to post some informational links to enlighten the poor misguided Mammal but seeing as she is censoring her comments I couldn't be bothered wasting my time.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just wrote her a polite note (which took some efoort). Her reply was that she'd rather kill a human than an animal. Y'know, I just don't know what to think of that, so I just said thanks for bothering to reply, and I hope I never have the misfortune to run into that nutcase.

Justin said...

"I rather see a human die than a animal. Then again I prefer animals over humans. So that is my answer to all of the above."

Huh, Huh . . . She prefers animals . . . pervert . . . and she's so pretty too . . . what a waste.

Just for the record, I'd rather see a million seals die the bloodiest, most horrific death possible than see one human have to watch his kid go without even so much as a single meal. . . but then again . . . I'm a MONSTER!

Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight before you post about me.

I do not VALUE the life of sealers not just anyone walking down the street. If people value their life then there is something wrong in this world.

Get a grip.

Thanks for taking time to write about me!


Anonymous said...

I agree with the whole I'd rather see a human die over a seal issue. Seals are innocent creatures, where as humans tend to be self-centered, judgemental, and hypocritical.
Vanessa's opinion doesn't seem wrong to me, it's just her point of view.
Besdies there are to many humans on this planet anyway. It's like a cancer, destroying all the beauty that nature has taken millions of years to make.